Chef Allie

Short Bio
The recipes I post are all easy and quick to make giving you time to wipe a nose, give a cuddle or feed a hungry child.
All Recipes and Posts by Allie
Pink Ribbon Food
It’s Pink Ribbon Day, and what a beautiful day to say I {heart} pink. Each year in Australia alone, around 13,500 ...
Read moreLamb Rissoles (with quinoa)
Lamb and Quinoa Rissoles do taste as good as they sound. Over the past few weeks Harry has been eating ...
Read moreApricot Coconut Muesli Balls
Almost every recipe I have come across for apricot coconut balls has condensed milk or butter. I wanted something that ...
Read moreFood Allergies
What is a food allergy? A food allergy is the result of an overreaction of the immune system to a food (which is harmless for most people) after it is consumed, inhaled or, in severe cases, touched. The immune system responds to the allergen by releasing histamines and other chemicals... Read moreCheesy Quinoa Puffs
I had one cup of leftover cooked quinoa and thought I would do a little experimenting. These are very cheesy ...
Read moreBreakfast: our favourite meal of the day
Breakfast: our favourite meal of the day This article was featured in the One Handed Cooks Magazine Launch Issue. Yep, you can buy it online while stocks last here. For more great recipe ideas pick up the latest mag today in Coles and all good Newsagents. Do your children enjoy their breakfast or is it... Read moreCarrot Quinoa Muffins
Baking with quinoa flour has been on my list for ages. These muffins were inspired from a serious carrot cake ...
Read moreSolids: Is your baby ready?
Starting solids is usually a very exciting time for mums, particularly first timers. There is often the lingering thought that starting solids may help your baby sleep through (although often it doesn’t), and now you’re past the newborn phase you probably feel ready to try something new. Funnily enough, the... Read moreApricot Chicken Balls with Coconut Cornflake Crumb
Harry just loves apricots. So while we wait for them to come back in season I thought I might and ...
Read moreWelcome to our updated blog
Welcome to the new and improved, much sparklier One Handed Cooks blog. After all the support and encouragement from the many one handed cooks out there, we thought it was time to bust out of the old and step into something a little fancier. With so many new things to... Read morePick ‘n’ Mix Cheesy Triangles
These are an old recipe of mine called cheesy triangles, you might remember? Anyway, my friend Carla sent me a message ...
Read moreVegetable Squares
This is a very tasty and fast vegetarian snack for your kids. I ate it hot, Harry loved it cold ...
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