5 Food Tips For The Kids On Holidays

By : | 0 Comments | On : September 25, 2015 | Category : Blog, Fussy Eaters

We are on school holidays at the moment and all I feel like doing is relaxing, eating ice-cream and exploring rock pools with the kids. Unfortunately, while on school holidays we still need to eat meals like dinner, shame. So I like to keep it as easy and simple as possible, the kids get (well) fed in amongst the ice-cream, there is minimal wastage – so nothing to lug home, plus we are not in the kitchen that much.

Here are my 5 simple tips for feeding the kids when away on school holidays. I would love to hear yours.

  1. Find a large supermarket on arrival and stock up on essentials. I buy things like dried pasta, fruit and vegetables, nut butter, cheese, yoghurt, bread, milk, tinned tuna, cereal, hummus and some beef mince. That way, most breakfasts and dinners are covered and there is some instant fruit and veggie sticks to snack on. I find getting the essentials early keeps impulse buying to a minimum saving money, keeping you out of the shops and on the beach and ensuring we are still eating enough variety
  2. Make a big batch Bolognese (or similar family favourite). I fill mine with veggies and lentils and then use this throughout the week for simple meals such as spaghetti Bolognese, Bolognese muffins, cheese and Bolognese sandwiches or baked potatoes and Bolognese. See more recipes with beef mince and 20 ways with leftover bolognese for inspiration
  3. Purchase some seasonal, ripe and local fruits and chop it all up. Having a fruit salad pre-chopped in the fridge is more enticing for the kids and it makes for an easy chuck-something-in-the-bag snack when activity inspiration strikes. I also like to make a Banana bread with overripe bananas as it saves spending $4.50 at the local cafe each morning
  4. When I do cook I try and make dinners that provide leftovers to enjoy cold, at the beach, the next day. The less cooking and organising of food the better. Meals like pita pizzas, salmon or tuna and veggie patties and roast chicken are nice ideas
  5. Finally, I try and just enjoy the time away. Holidays can create some of the fondest memories for children. Trying new foods and enjoying sometimes foods without guilt, with the family are all contributing to those all-important positive food associations.

Check out our holiday adventures on Instagram.

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