The Tasting Plate
I love the tasting plate because it gives Harry some freedom to eat what he wants and try new things in an non-confronting way. I find by combining something I know he loves and is familiar with on the plate with something new, he is much happier to try it.
The Tasting Plate is also a great idea for when your baby hits that wonderful fussy eating phase and wants to experiment with some finger foods. You might like to read our posts on Fussy Eating and The Mealtime Ritual to start a great mealtime routine for your family. Offering an array of new tastes and textures is a good way to find out what your baby likes, and keeps meal times interesting and fun.
You can start The Tasting Plate when you baby is quite young by offering age appropriate foods like soft steamed vegetables. As your baby gets older you can include all sorts of different foods for them to pick and choose. The idea of the tasting plate is that it comes after you have spoon fed your baby, so you know they have eaten a good meal, and the plate is just for fun and experimentation to start with. Eventually, The Tasting plate will become the actual dinner plate as your baby refuses to be spoon fed, and you will have successfully transitioned to family foods.
Unless your baby is over 12 months, you might find it better to offer each food to taste one at a time, or try not to offer too much of one thing, otherwise it can be too overwhelming and the whole lot will be ditched over the side of the highchair.
Nutrition Note: If all options on the tasting plate are a healthy choice for your toddler you can have peace of mind regardless of how much and what tastes they chose to eat. And there’s no rushing to the pantry to make something else for them to eat!
Finger food safety
As with all finger foods, there are some risks with choking. Those risks can be avoided by taking simple precautions:
Make sure your baby is sitting upright to eat
Don’t give your baby whole nuts or hard inappropriate foods
Cut small fruits such as cherries in half and remove any pips
Don’t let anyone except your baby put food into his mouth
Never leave your baby alone with food
Here are some of Harry’s Tasting Plates:

Salmon avocado sandwich fingers,
Diced mango,
Pumpkin risotto balls.
(Please remember to read our site disclaimer as the information we provide does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to replace the personalised care and advice given to you by your health professional team.)
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posted by jode@mummymusingsandmayhem on October 25, 2012
i’ve resigned myself to the fact that my toddler twins are only eating from tasting plates at the moment so everything has to be finger food ….which is why i love all your ideas *sigh*!!
posted by Allie on October 25, 2012
Oh Jode.. :)x
posted by Lisa on October 25, 2012
My daughter (14 months) will not let me spoon feed her her dinner at all.Everything has to be on a plate in front of her so she can feed herself.Her cereal in the morning she will let me feed to her.Lunch time is usually a tasting plate too but im running out of ideas what to give her and i worry that she isnt eating enough at dinner time.
posted by Allie on October 25, 2012
Hi Lisa, I gave Harry a little toddler fork around 15 months which he loves to use to pick up things like pasta and (tries to) feed himself. He does pretty well, but I have another fork that I use to feed him at the same time. The other thing I try to do is make things like vegetable and lamb rissoles with quinoa or rice in them as it is a whole meal they can eat with their hands. Things like Risotto balls and baked Risotto are great too. Good luck, I hope some of the recipes on here help you 🙂 Ax
posted by Amy on January 2, 2013
Love this post Allie. I’ve only just found your website. You’ve got some great advice. I’ve been wondering how to transition our 7 month old baby from purées to finger food. A tasting plate after his meal is great so he has the opportunity to learn to eat finger food but at his own pace when he’s ready. Thanks!
posted by Allie on January 2, 2013
Thanks Amy. I hope your little guy enjoys the tasting plate 🙂 Enjoy, Allie x
posted by Jeddah on January 2, 2014
Hi Allie, as with Amy I am a new reader (with a new eater) – I am loving the site!! I have a question if possible? My daughter has just gone 6 months and at the moment I am still only giving her one or two things pureed for each meal (only fruit, veg and/or baby muesli) when did your bubs start tasting plates? I have yet to even introduce rice, meat or any dairy as she still seems to have her tongue thrust reflex and thought I would need to wait for that to pass to start getting more creative? Thanks!