Spaghetti Bolognese For Kids

  • Prep Time : 10m
  • Cook Time : 30m
  • Ready In : 40m

Everyone makes “Spag Bol”, it is an Aussie staple and most kids enjoy making a huge mess and sometimes eating it from an early age. The only problem with Spaghetti Bolognese is that often we use store bought sauces which can make the salt quantity far too high for children. Tomato based sauces are so simple to make and freeze really well, so where possible try making one yourself. This recipe is much lower in salt if you choose salt-reduced or no added-salt tinned tomatoes, stock and tomato paste.

If you have fussy eaters, this dish is perfect for hiding vegetables. You can steam and puree a huge amount of veggies to add to the sauce, or just finely chop and add them in step 3. I often add broccoli, peas and corn. You might also like our Hidden Veggies Pasta Sauce as another option.

Nutrition Note:  Red meat is high in protein and contains all the essential amino acids your children for healthy growth and development.

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  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 brown onion, finely chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • 500g premium lean minced beef
  • 1/2 cup button mushrooms, chopped
  • 1 carrot, finely chopped or grated
  • 1 zucchini, finely chopped or grated
  • 2 tbsp no added-salt tomato paste
  • 400g tin no added-salt diced tomatos
  • 3/4 cup salt-reduced beef or vegetable stock
  • 1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 cup grated cheese to sprinkle on top
  • 300g dried spaghetti


Step 1

Cook the spaghetti according to pack directions. -

Step 2

Heat oil in a large pan over medium. Sauté the onion and garlic until fragrant. Add the beef and brown well all over, separating the mince with a wooden spoon as you cook. -

Step 3

Add the chopped mushrooms, carrot and zucchini (add any other chopped veggies here) and cook for a few minutes. Add the tomato paste and stir to coat. -

Step 4

Stir in the tomato, stock and parsley (season with pepper optional). Bring mixture to the boil then reduce the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, for around 20 - 30 minutes. -

Step 5

Combine the meat sauce and pasta and serve sprinkled with grated cheese. -

Step 6

Freeze in small portions for up to one month. -


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Recipe Comments

  1. posted by Kathleen on November 30, 2021

    This is a crowd pleaser! It’s high in my menu rotation. Thank you!


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