All Recipes and Posts Tagged Guest Post

{GUEST POST} Meat! Why don’t my kids eat it?

By: | 1 Comment | On: June 3, 2016 | Category : Blog, Fussy Eaters

Meat! Why don’t my kids eat it? By Simone from Play with Food Meat aversion is relatively common for toddlers and pre-schoolers.  Let me break down some of the reasons for you (in toddler speak) as to why this can be so… They are still caught up in the activity...
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{GUEST POST} Fussy Eaters and Mealtime Difficulties

By: | 0 Comments | On: April 28, 2016 | Category : Blog, Fussy Eaters

Fussy eaters and mealtime difficulties {Kindly written by Denise Stapleton APD & Gillian Griffiths OT – authors of SENSE-ational Mealtimes} Eating can seem like a simple behaviour, when in fact one in two infants and toddlers are reported by their parents to have feeding problems. Up to 40% of children may be...
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{GUEST POST} The Sweetness of Halloween – A Dietitian’s Opinion

By: | 0 Comments | On: October 29, 2015 | Category : Blog, Nutrition

 THE SWEETNESS OF HALLOWEEN: An Australian Dietitian’s Take on Halloween by Deb Blakley (APD) from Kids Dig Food Whether you love or hate it, it seems Halloween is here to stay. For some, Halloween may seem to be an unnecessary celebration here in Australia. A night where kids load up on...
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