All Recipes and Posts Tagged Picky Eating

Guest Post: Don’t Be Rude to Food

By: | 5 Comments | On: March 10, 2014 | Category : Fussy Eaters, Nutrition, Tips & Tricks

Written by: Kate Wengier In our house we have a rule – be nice to food. Be polite to sweet potato, courteous to carrots and there’s no need to badmouth broccoli. This rule comes in handy when starting the experimental food phase with a toddler. Kids at this age tend to...
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10 tips to help food refusal

By: | 3 Comments | On: October 26, 2012 | Category : Fussy Eaters, Tips & Tricks

There are certain foods some children just love to avoid. Sometimes, they genuinely just don’t like them, and that’s OK because we all have different tastes. But, when food refusal starts happening to whole food groups, or colours, or textures it can become a problem. You might like to read...
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